#cambodia : THE FATE OF ARENG VALLEY. VERY SAD TO HEAR ! Post author:CI Post published:04/02/2015 Post category:uncategorized អ្នកការពារបរិស្ថាន បារម្ភពីសុវត្ថិភាព ខណៈរដ្ឋាភិបាលនៅមិនច្បាស់ពីគម្រោងសង់វារីអគ្គីសនីស្ទឹងជាយអារ៉ែង http://vodhotnews.com/media/sounds/150204-vod-khorn-f-en-nat-civil-society-about-the-government-s-ambiguous-stance-on-the--01-2015-02-04.mp3 រដ្ឋាភិបាលថានឹងថ្លឹងថ្លែងមុនពេលសម្រេចអភិវឌ្ឍទំនប់វារីអគ្គិសនីតំបន់អារ៉ែង http://www.rfa.org/khmer/news/environment/Hun-Sen-declares-to-delay-to-build-new-hydro-power-in-Koh-Kong-02032015085752.html/h020315in.mp3 Koh Kong dam not on hold According to Hun Sen, the dam will take up 9 per cent of the valley, and 91 per cent of the valley’s tree cover would be preserved. But Alex Gonzalez-Davidson, founder of NGO Mother Nature, said that many of the claims were “beyond comical”. The suggestion that just 9 per cent of the valley would be flooded, he said, was an “outright fallacy”. “The valley measures around 20,500 hectares, and the reservoir plus sites would make use of way over 10,000 of those,” he explained. Hun Sen Defends Proposed Areng Valley Dam Share this:TweetEmailWhatsAppTelegramPrintRedditShare on TumblrPocketMastodonNextdoorPostLike this:Like Loading... Related You Might Also Like #cambodge : Le sens des services publics, de la protection des personnes n’existent pas 12/11/2015 #cambodge : Human Rights Now demande que le Cambodge mette fin aux harcèlements contre l’Opposition 28/12/2015 #grèce : En attendant le Résultat du Référendum 04/07/2015
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