#cop21 : B. Gates va investir dans des Energies Propres Post author:CI Post published:30/11/2015 Post category:Cop21 A Big Win for Cheap, Clean Energy Two related initiatives are being announced at today’s event. One is Mission Innovation, a commitment by more than ten countries to invest more in research on clean energy. The other is the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a global group of private investors who will support companies that are taking innovative clean-energy ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace. Share this:TweetEmailWhatsAppTelegramPrintRedditShare on TumblrPocketMastodonNextdoorPostLike this:Like Loading... Related Tags: gates You Might Also Like #cop21 : La Planete Terre brûle. AGIR maintenant pour un ACCORD maintenant ! 29/11/2015 #cop21 : La fonte des glaciers tibétains menace la vie de plusieurs Milliards d’êtres humains 12/12/2015 #cop21 : La suivre avec nous : AGIR maintenant, pour un ACCORD maintenant ! 12/12/2015
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