#cambodge : Témoigagne accablant de Stephen Morris sur la politique expansionniste du #Vietnam

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A la veille de la 25ème commémoration des accords de Paris signés le 23 Octobre 1991, voici quelques faits historiques à retenir :

L’invasion du Cambodge par l’Armée vietnamienne en Décembre 1978 était la conséquence du conflit interne entre le PCV et le Parti Communiste de POL POT.

Voir ci-dessous comment le Parti Communiste Vietnamien a cherché à contrôler toute l’Indochine. Témoignage accablant de Mr. Stephen Morris au Tribunal International pour juger les crimes commis par les Khmers Rouges. 

La situation actuelle au Cambodge n’est que la continuation de cette politique historique des visées expansionistes du Parti Communiste Vietnamen à travers l’installation du PPC au pouvoir et la mise sous tutelle du Pays.


Témoignages de Stephen Morris rapportés par le Phnom Penh Post :

Defence teams have long argued that the purges were a reaction to an attempt by Vietnam to overthrow the Cambodian government, and Morris testified that Vietnam did indeed have imperial ambitions towards Cambodia.

“The history of Vietnam is a history of a long march south,” Morris said. “Large parts of what is now southern Vietnam used to be part of Cambodia.”

Morris also testified that the Vietnamese wanted to use people who were loyal to them to establish communist parties in other countries. He claimed the attempt to found an Indochinese communist federation was really an attempt by Vietnam to assert its authority in the region.

“The Vietnamese conceived of Indochina as a place where they would be dominant over Laos and Cambodia,” he said.

The Vietnamese Communist Party tried to control the entire communist movement in Indochina, but lost control of the movement in Cambodia,” Morris testified, adding “Vietnamese communists never fully understood what was going on in Cambodia”.


Expert says Vietnam tried, failed to control Khmer Rouge

Expert witness Stephen Morris gives his testimony before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia yesterday on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. ECCC

Purges culled the loyal: expert